By Nick Lake
This book was absolutely nothing like I was expecting. I
thought it was going to be a fluffy, cheesy chick-flick but instead I got a
rare story about mental illness, in particular Schizophrenia. Most YA books
that cover the topic of mental health deal with anxiety and depression so it
was really interesting to read about a different illness.
When I first started reading this book and Cassie was hearing
a voice, I thought it was a supernatural/paranormal book due to Cassie
believing the voice was real, meaning myself as a reader thought the voice was
real. This is what made the book so gripping; for some time I thought the voice
was real and that all threats it made were going to come true. However, when
Cassie realised that the voice was all in her head, this did not make the story
any less thrilling. It opened my eyes to what someone suffering with
Schizophrenia really goes through and it is utterly heartbreaking.
I love the format of this book as Cassie is writing an email
to her ex-boyfriend apologising for all the things she put him through when she
was struggling with her mental illness, so we get a first-hand experience with
the ‘voice.’ Unfortunately, we never find out of the boyfriend reads this email
and agrees to meet Cassie but from hearing about his character through Cassie’s
narrative, I think (and hope) that he does agree to meet. I love the whole ‘murder
mystery’ element of this book also; there is a ‘Houdini Killer’ who is killing
girls who are, what Cassie’s voice describes as, ‘whores’ (I really hate this
word and I don’t condone the use of it). What is most interesting is how the
men and women react differently to this killer, with some men believing it is
the girls’ fault for dressing so provocatively (a major topic in the media
I liked most of the characters in this book but one I really did
not like is Cassie’s father. I understand that he has some issues of his own
but he was a really nasty, vile man and it would have been nice to see him also
get some help at the end.
Overall I did really enjoy this book but I feel it is one of
those that if you read it again, it wouldn’t hold the same suspense or
excitement as it did the first time which is why I only gave it a 3.5/5 as I can’t
see myself reaching for it again.