Thursday, 14 July 2016

A Court of Thorns and Roses

By Sarah J Maas


This book is all over Bookstagram and has been given glowing reviews by all so as expected, I was a bit hesitant going into this book that I wouldn’t like it as much as everyone else appears to. It is also a loose retelling of Beauty and the Beast which is my favourite Disney film so this is also added to my nerves as I wanted the book to do the story justice. As it was, I had nothing to worry about as I absolutely adored this book from start to finish.

I’ve strayed away from fantasy novels in the past because I feel they can sometimes be a bit childish and I’ve just found that I prefer reading contemporaries more. But I saw how hyped up this book was and thought I’d give it a go. The story follows Feyre who goes to live with Tamlin, a High Lord fae, as a debt to pay after killing one of his subjects, and as in most YA novels, you can probably guess what happens. But their relationship is definitely not without complications and I really enjoyed seeing the two very different characters react. I loved the character of Lucien and I enjoyed watching his friendship with Feyre develop. I also really liked how much of the Beauty and the Beast story was explored throughout.  What I like most about fantasy novels is how the author can really divulge and explore the world the characters live in and make it as vibrant as possible because we readers have nothing to compare the world to. I like how Prythian has several different ‘Courts’ and I really enjoyed picturing what each one would be like.

I find it really difficult to write reviews that I give 5/5 to because I find it much easier to write about what I don’t like than what I do so I’m just going to end by recommending this book to everyone because it honestly fantastic. I’m also going to end with a question; Tamlin or Rhysand? Please leave your answer in the comments!

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